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Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Tigran Petrosian became the 9th World Chess Champion after defeating Mikhail Botvinnik in 1963 Match. He lost the title against Spassky in 1969. Petrosian was nicknamed “Iron Tigran” because of his unbreakable defensive style of playing. He was strongly influenced by Aron Nimzowitsch system, and especially the idea of prophylaxis. Any improving playing can learn a lot by closely observing his defensive technique.

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

As Philidor stated, “pawns are the soul of chess”. In this article, we will explore the most fundamental pawn structures and learn about their properties.

A deep understanding of pawn structures is something that separates masters from amateurs.

Go through each of the positions one by one, and you will be able to identify them in your own games, and know which pawn structures are favorable and which aren’t.

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

The pawn structure is a factor that primarily decides how the game will progress. In order to play chess at a high level, it is necessary to understand the fundamental pawn formations that arise from the openings. GM Andrew Soltis has classified major pawn formations into 22 main categories depending on the opening played. In this article, we will focus on the 15 most fundamental formations that every chess player must know. This is very condensed and straight-to-the-point material, which is definitely worth analyzing.

Yury Markushin

In the previous article, WGM Raluca Sgîrcea and IM Renier Castellanos explored the Saemisch variation of the King’s Indian Defense, especially focusing on what happens after white take the pawn 7.dxc5. This article will concentrate its attention on a more popular variation 7.d5.


Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Aron Nimzowitsch is considered to be one of the most important chess players and writers in history of the game. Not only he was one of the strongest players from 1927 to 1931 (3rd strongest behind Alekhine and Capablanca), but also he influenced many great players with his work on positional chess. Among the ones who followed his system were Savielly Tartakower, Milan Vidmar, Richard Réti, Akiba Rubinstein, Bent Larsen and Tigran Petrosian.

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

We are excited to announce that we are holding a tactics solving contest for a chance to win a free access to 21 Days to Supercharge Your Chess Program. To enter the contest your need to solve all 5 tactics problems and comment with your solutions below. The 2 best solutions (correct notation, all lines analyzed, etc.) will get a free access to the training course.

Yury Markushin

In this article, WGM Raluca Sgîrcea and IM Renier Castellanos cover the Saemisch variation of KID in great detail. This is one of the most important weapons that white can use against a very popular on all levels from club to super-GM King’s Indian Defense. Ready to learn more?

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Many players wish to improve their game. They work on chess, spend time but after few months hit some sort of invisible wall which does not allow them to move forward. Have you noticed how fast your elo was growing in the beginning? A couple days of chess training could easily add 30 – 50 elo points. What happened next?

Yury Markushin

Our columnist offers a glimpse of updates from on recent trends in openings-Ed.


Yury Markushin

The French is among the most popular defenses against 1.e4 and for a good reason. It is a very solid choice, but at the same time quite aggressive. Black’s counterplay on either wing (this depends on the specific variation) offers him an opportunity to unbalance the game and take white into a very sharp and double-edged battle right from the very first moves.