General Information

Laura Sherman
Laura Sherman

Is it possible to teach a child to play chess while they’re still in diapers? Children can learn chess very early, some as early as two-years-old! The key is to teach them at the correct speed for them. It will vary from child to child, so the educator must be alert to the subtle indicators […]

Laura Sherman
Laura Sherman

Imagine that you’re at your first chess tournament. The room is silent, except for the quiet breathing of the people around you. You study the sixty-four checkered squares in front of you. Glancing over at the chess clock you see you have plenty of time left in your game. A move cries out to be […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

The original collection of 40 Chess Facts About Chess Most People Don’t Know was quite a success. Many people read it, some leave a feedback. If you have not seen it, it worth checking it out. Today’s article is a continuation of 40 facts with yet another 31 interesting facts about chess you may not […]

Laura Sherman
Laura Sherman

It’s safe to say that every parent wants their children to have the best advantages in life. We want our children to be able to stand on their own two feet, solving problems that come their way on the fly.The chess board is an excellent training ground for developing this skill. The last thing we […]

Laura Sherman
Laura Sherman

Ask the average adult if chess is cool and they’d probably say, “No way!” Ask the average young child and I’ll bet they’ll give you a different answer – “Chess is way cool!” Children don’t seem to know that chess is considered “geeky” by some. Don’t believe me? Try an experiment. Put out two chess […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

I have written multiple articles about analyzing chess positions and about playing strategies in losing, drawish and winning positions. However, I did not specifically emphasized how to think during the game of chess in general. I understand, that each player is different and things that one uses may not work for the other or vice […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Most people know basic chess rules such as how pawns and pieces move, how the king is getting checkmate, and so on. But there are also a few chess rules that novice players are unaware of. For example, when you capture somebody’s pawn via en passant they may look surprised and claim illegal moves. That’s […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Many of the players that play chess over the board also love to play online chess. At the same time many online chess play over the board chess. I have already posted about the differences between online and over the board chess, today we’ll strictly focus on online chess and all the things that come […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Here is a collection of 23 funny chess aphorisms. It’s a continuation to the chess facts from the previous post, compliment to the chess jokes from the long time ago post and chess humor post. The first aphorism is: A brilliant combination had come to his mind, but didn’t find anyone there and left.

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Chess facts is an interesting topic. I will not talk about strategy, tactics, endgames, middle games, psychology and any other chess-related things. However, I will still talk about chess. Here are some facts about the game of chess that not many chess players may be aware of. These are little, fundamental ideas behind the game […]