
IM Zaur Tekeyev
IM Zaur Tekeyev

Benoni Defense comes from the Hebrew expression “Ben-Oni”, which means “son of my sorrow.” This might have given you melancholic impressions, but don’t let it deceive you. The Benoni Defense is one of the most aggressive chess openings. It leads to highly unbalanced positions, and players of all levels opt for it when they want […]

WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

Nimzo-Indian Defence is probably one of the most common answers against 1.d4 nowadays. The defense was introduced by Aaron Nimzowitsch, the founder of hypermodern chess. Black doesn’t occupy the centre with pawns right from the start and plays for quick development. The center is controlled first by the pieces and only later on black will […]

WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

The sicilian Dragon is one of the most complex lines of the Sicilian Defense. Black aims for a sharp, aggressive play and puts white under pressure right from the start. It is a line full of tactical ideas, perfect for those who want to play for a win with the black pieces. There are many […]

WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

Chess openings: How to learn them? One important step in improving your level as a chess player is having a solid, well-developed opening repertoire that stands the test of time. You shouldn’t have to change your repertoire often. Rather improve and update the lines you already have. A good repertoire will help you get good, […]

IM Zaur Tekeyev
IM Zaur Tekeyev

1.d4 Opening – everything you must know! Most of the chess players enjoy having the initiative, being the attacking side. It is good but hard to achieve in every game: in some positions, the best you can do is to trade pieces and go into an endgame or play against some positional weaknesses. Those who […]

IM Zaur Tekeyev
IM Zaur Tekeyev

Caro-Kann Defense is one of the most fashionable openings nowadays at the grandmaster and beginner levels. It is a reliable weapon that does not require a lot of memorization and usually leads to calm positional games. The good thing is that it still allows Black to play for a win: the positions are not sharp […]

IM Zaur Tekeyev
IM Zaur Tekeyev

Dutch Defense is characterized by the moves 1.d4 f5 when Black is using the flank pawn to control the center. It breaks the symmetry and gains space on the kingside. Later, this can provide good attacking chances against the White king. Such an approach usually leads to double-edged positions and is good for playing for […]

IM Zaur Tekeyev
IM Zaur Tekeyev

Larsen’s Opening (1.b3) is quite enticing for White. It is getting harder and harder to achieve any advantage with White pieces in the main lines. Black seems to hold their own in most of the popular openings. Modern chess players of all levels have access to the strongest engines, and they use them for opening […]

IM Zaur Tekeyev
IM Zaur Tekeyev

King’s Indian Defense is an aggressive opening with a rich history. In the middle of the last century, it was popularized by great Soviet chess players such as Smyslov, Geller, Boleslavsky, Bronstein, Stein, and others. Later, it became the main weapon of the greatest chess players of all time Robert Fischer and Garry Kasparov. Chess […]

IM Zaur Tekeyev
IM Zaur Tekeyev

Benko Gambit is quite different from usual Gambits in chess which are usually associated with ferocious attacks, mating threats, and opening traps. In Benko Gambit, Black does not get any immediate reward for the sacrificed pawn. Instead, the main idea is to clear files for their pieces for the future play on the queenside.