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Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Things to Avoid: Chess is a very complex game. It is based on certain rules, or principles if you wish, that can significantly simplify your job as a chess player. Today we will cover five things that you should avoid in your games to stay out of trouble. Each of these things was time tested and if applied correctly will save you many games and rating points. Here there are.

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

We have previously covered some of the most important defensive principles of chess. Today we will talk about the most exciting topic – the attack. Keep in mind that attack is the best form of defense. In order to attack well you need to be familiar with these seven very important attacking principles (they will help you to win many games).

Yury Markushin

In this article, we are going to talk about a concept that is very well known to any player, no matter their rating or strength – the zugzwang. The term refers to a situation where one of the players finds himself wanting not to move and rather pass the move to his opponent. The fact that he is forced to move means that his position will become much worse or he will even immediately lose.

Yury Markushin

The correct evaluation of the positions arising in the middle game is one of the most difficult things to do for any chess player. From beginners to masters, this particular subject is always a heavy task. It takes a good understanding of the main positional concepts, a well-trained instinct, and of course calculation skills.

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

The art of defense at chess is a very important and serious subject neglected by many amateur players. These players mostly focus on attacking chess, tactics and sacrifices. It is indeed important to know how to attack at chess, but it is equally important to understand how to play solid defense and get yourself out of hard positions. After reading today’s article you will learn about seven most important principles of defense at chess, and hopefully will be able to apply those in your own games.

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Attacking chess is something that draws spectators and make their heart stop when a master sacrifices a piece to launch a devastating assault. Attacking chess is something that wins straight from the middlegame avoiding the endgame whatsoever. It is indeed not easy to become a great attacking player and only the select few deserve this title. In today’s article we will review some of the best attacking games played by Siegbert Tarrasch, Alexander Alekhine, Paul Morphy, Bobby Fischer, Garry Kasparov and so on. We can definitely learn a lot from these examples!

Yury Markushin

Our columnist offers a glimpse of updates from on recent trends in openings-Ed.

Yury Markushin

Sicilian Defense is probably the most dynamic response against 1.e4. The philosophy of this opening is not just to achieve a position with equal chances, but to fight for the initiative from the very start of the game. In this article, we are going to examine the positions arising from the sharp Najdorf/ Scheveningen variations, (they can also arise from the Taimanov/Kan variations as well).

Yury Markushin

By pushing the pawns, weak squares are inevitably created in our position. It is very important to know how to correctly use and even create them in your opponent’s camp in order to win the game. Before moving further, we will first define what a weak square is – it is a square that can no longer be protected by any pawn.



Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Many chess players focus their attention primarily on the opening and the middlegame. Little do they know, that endgame is something that can bring their chess to the next level. Because the endgame involves far fewer pieces than the opening or the middlegame, it is a phase of the game that can be mastered by a player of pretty much any skill level. Today we will learn the seven most important principles of endgame that all chess players should know.