7 Best Games on Vienna Game

7 Best Games on Vienna Game

Vienna Game was developed at the end of the 19th century. The main idea of this opening is to defend the e4 pawn and the d5 square, launching an attack with quick f2-f4. This is a rare opening, and cannot be often seen in Grandmasters’ games. Black has strong counter-chances with d7-d5 push. This is a good opening for those who prefer to stay away from popular lines. It is easy to go wrong in this opening with any color, thus you should be familiar with the theory before playing it in a serious game. Here are some of the best games on this opening.

Game 1:

Game 2:

Vienna Game – Game 3:

Game 4:

Vienna Game – Game 5:

Game 6:

Vienna Game – Game 7:

Looking for the famous King’s Indian Defense? Here are 5 Reasons to Play It in Must-Win Situations and How to Fight the Fianchetto Variation.

We also recommend reviewing Italian Game, Chess History Timeline (6th century – 2012) as well as This Article’s Opening with GM Marian Petrov [TCW Academy].

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Updated 12.21.2023


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