IM Renier Castellanos - Page 46

IM Renier Castellanos is a Spanish chess player and coach who was born in 1982. He had a peak FIDE rating of 2528 and has 2 GM Norms.

He also holds the title of FIDE Trainer.

He has also won several tournaments in Spain and abroad.

He is also a popular online instructor who teaches chess students of various levels and ages on online platforms.

He has produced many chess courses and videos on topics such as positional chess, openings, endgames, and tactics.

Chess Articles by IM Renier Castellanos

Attack on the King: Race on Opposite Sides of The Board

Opposite flank attacks are a common element in chess. In the most popular openings like Sicilian – Najdorf, Classical, or the Dragon, it is very often that white chooses to castle queenside in order to launch an attack against the black king located on the opposite flank.

3 Best Games of the Week – 11

The Norway Masters did not go well for Carlsen from the very start. Losing on time to Topalov in the first round marked the rest of the event for him and after 4 rounds he was trailing the event with only half a point. In this game we see a spectacular attack by Anand in […]

Positional Chess Understanding: The Space Advantage

space advantageA very common element in chess is the concept of SPACE. Very often we hear masters talking about the importance of space in today’s chess. Along with the concept of the bishop pair, the concept of space advantage has become one of the most important factors when it comes to evaluating positions and making decisions […]

Attacking King in The Center: Part 2

attacking king at the centerIn the first part of this article, we have presented a few elements that should ring an alarm and help you realize that it might be time to launch an attack against your opponent. In general, the ideas we mentioned can be applied in other circumstances as well, not only when our opponent’s king is […]

Attacking King in The Center: 4 Tips to Follow

attack on the kingThe king in the center is always a questionable factor during a chess game. It always raises doubt about whether it’s safe or not. Sometimes bravery can be easily confused with imprudence and a player can find himself under an unstoppable attack against his king. The basic principles of the opening, in 90% of the […]

Alternative Way to Beat The Sicilian Dragon: Play It Simple with 6.g3

Sicilian Dragon is one of the most complex lines of the Sicilian Defense. Generally, those who play the Dragon are well-prepared players looking to lure their opponents into sharp positions full of tactical traps. One interesting thing about this variation is that, for white, the Yugoslav attack (Be3, f3, Qd2, etc) has been established (and […]

Opening Weapon for Grand Prix Sicilian Players

Grand Prix variation against the Sicilian is among the lines that most people study once and move on. A short knowledge of the theory and a few clear ideas is enough to play against it. However, when meeting a specialist of the line, that may not be enough. A few years ago, I was playing […]

3 Best Games of the Week – 10

Wesley is a machine playing chess. His extraordinary talent has turned him into one of the strongest players in the world and a lot of people see him as a serious candidate to the world crown in the future. It is not normal to see him lose a game that he had under control.

Winning with French Defence: 3…h6!?

French Defence is a very popular answer against 1.e4 among chess players of all levels. We have mentioned it several times before in our previous articles, as one of the few opening choices that give black the chance to fight for the game from the very start.

The King’s Indian: Fighting The Popular 6.h3 Variation

King’s Indian and fighting the popular 6.h3 variation. Despite all the rumors about dubious lines, allegedly refuted variations, and “black is simply worse” statements by chess players all around, our beloved King’s Indian Defense stays alive and kicking. It is, without any doubt, one of the best openings to play against either 1.c4, 1.Nf3, and […]