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Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Sharp Openings and 7 Reasons to Play them. Many chess players are unsure about what kind of openings they should play. These players prefer to stay on the safe side and to play “safe-looking”, quiet positions, which lead to similar continuations time after time. While staying in the comfort zone is good, if you want to improve your game, you must be able to step out of it.

Yury Markushin

Mariya Muzychuk, queen of women’s chess has graced the cover of this issue. She earned her crown recently when she won the world championship for women. All the games of the event find their place here, several with annotations. The tournament had its highs and lows with a few players lacking preparation.

Yury Markushin

   Alapin variation (2.c3) is among the most popular lines against the Sicilian defense. This dynamic opening variation is played at every level, from club players to strong Grandmasters. Sveshnikov, Tiviakov, and Rozentalis are among the group we can consider experts on the Alapin, but it has also been played by World Champions like Anand, Kasparov, and Karpov.

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Sacrifices are one of the most mysterious and at the same time the most exciting parts of chess.

What can be better than to sacrifice a queen and to finish the game with a well-calculated, yet very elegant mate in 5?

In today’s article, we will see some of the best sacrifices the world of chess has to offer.

Yury Markushin


Our columnist offers a glimpse of updates from on recent trends in openings-Ed.


Yury Markushin

In chess, the positional struggle is based on the accumulation of small advantages. There are several elements that a chess player must take into consideration in order to unbalance the game in his favor. These elements are well known: pawn structure, bishop pair, weak squares, piece coordination, and king safety, just to name a few of the most commonly used factors.

Yury Markushin

  Berlin variation of the Spanish Opening has become part of the main opening weapons for black in today’s chess. The Berlin Defense had a reputation of being a drawish/boring option for black. However, everything changed when Grandmaster Vladimir Kramnik used it successfully against Garry Kasparov in the match for the World Chess Championship.

Yury Markushin

Opposite flank attacks are a common element in chess. In the most popular openings like Sicilian – Najdorf, Classical, or the Dragon, it is very often that white chooses to castle queenside in order to launch an attack against the black king located on the opposite flank.

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

In today’s article, we will explore some of the most amazing chess combinations.

We will analyze the game of players such as Garry Kasparov, Bobby Fischer, Anatoly Karpov, and so on.

These are some of the greatest tactical motifs with mates-in-11, beautiful sacrifices and promotions. Enjoy and learn!

Yury Markushin

The Norway Masters did not go well for Carlsen from the very start. Losing on time to Topalov in the first round marked the rest of the event for him and after 4 rounds he was trailing the event with only half a point. In this game we see a spectacular attack by Anand in one classical opening, the Spanish closed variation.