Chess Strategy for Beginners with IM Boroljub Zlatanovic [TCW Academy]

Chess Strategy for Beginners with IM Boroljub Zlatanovic [TCW Academy]

Have you ever felt lost over the board? Don’t know whether you should develop that knight, castle, or maybe go for a pawn break? Beginners typically treat each move on their own, without seeing the big picture. Chess Strategy for Beginners is the glue connecting everything together and allowing your pieces to work as a team.

Learn strategy fundamentals and you’ll make a HUGE leap in chess ability.

If you are rated between 1000-1400 this is for you.

What you will learn:

IM Boroljub Zlatanovic has just recorded a 3-hour training on Strategy for Beginners covering the 3 most important aspects:

  1. Center Control
  2. Development
  3. Opening Principles

First, you will unlock the secrets of center control, a crucial aspect of chess strategy. You’ll learn how to strategically occupy and dominate the center of the board, enabling you to exert maximum influence over the game.

Next, you’ll dive into the development, an essential concept for chess players of any level. Understand the importance of bringing your pieces into the game efficiently and harmoniously.

And finally, you’ll learn opening principles, a fundamental aspect of chess strategy. IM Zlatanovic will reveal the secrets behind opening moves, helping you make informed decisions and set the stage for a flawless middlegame.

Ready to get started?

You are just 3 hours away from grasping Strategy Fundamentals.

Want to know more about Chess Strategy? Look at:

We also recommend reviewing our latest TCW Academy courses:

Chess Strategy for Beginners – See the video preview:

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Updated 12.20.2023
