Win with Ponziani Opening by GM Marian Petrov [TCW Academy]

Win with Ponziani Opening by GM Marian Petrov [TCW Academy]

Learn GM Marian Petrov’s Ponziani Opening fundamentals in just 3 hours.

Most chess players don’t even know this opening exists.

It is extremely rare, yet powerful.

1.e4 e4 2.Nf3 Nc6

Your opponent thinks you might opt for Italian, Ruy Lopez, Four Knights, or maybe even the Scotch…

When boom… you play 3. c3!

3. c3!

Ponziani immediately takes nearly anyone out of their opening book (Grandmasters included), setting up a robust central strike.

And it is a monster in blitz & rapid.

The plan is simple.

Play 10, 20, 50 games on it and you’ll have more experience than most players out there.

And it’ll bring some quick wins for you as well!

Want to know more things about Openings? Look at:

We also recommend reviewing our latest TCW Academy courses:

Win with Ponziani Opening – See the video preview:

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Updated 04.04.2024
