Chessbibliophile - Page 6

Nagesh Havanur, also known as “chessbibliophile,” is a prominent chess historian and writer from India. He is widely recognized for his contributions to the study of chess history and literature, particularly in relation to Indian chess.

Havanur has been an avid chess player and enthusiast for most of his life, and his love for the game eventually led him to explore its rich history and literature. He has authored numerous books and articles on the subject, many of which are considered seminal works in the field.

Some of his notable works include “Indian Chess: A Systematic Historical Survey,” “Chess in India: A Bibliography,” and “Raja Ravi Varma: The Patron Saint of Indian Chess.” In addition to his writing, Havanur has also contributed extensively to online chess communities, sharing his knowledge and insights with enthusiasts around the world.

Chess Articles by Chessbibliophile

Chess Problem # 8

chess problem 8The 57th World Congress of Chess Composition took place in Berne, Switzerland from 23rd August to 30th August 2014. There were both composing and solving contests in problems and endgame studies. There were as many as 104 players in the Solving Competition. It was a star-studded field with some of the greatest names in chess […]

It’s Your Move #14

its your move 14In the following position Black missed a simple combination and it took several moves for him to win. Can you do better? By the way, who were the players? What was the event in which this game was played? Black to move (Allow yourself 5 minutes to find the combination) Solution: Quite a few readers […]

De la Bourdonnais versus McDonnell, 1834 Review: Part II

1       De la Bourdonnais versus McDonnell, 1834 by Cary Utterberg Softcover: 416 pages McFarland. 2012 (First published in 2005)

De la Bourdonnais versus McDonnell, 1834 Review: Part I

1   De la Bourdonnais versus McDonnell, 1834 by Cary Utterberg Softcover: 416 pages McFarland. 2012 (First published in 2005)

ChessBase Magazine #160 Review

ChessBase Magazine is the flagship of ChessBase and released every two months. Our columnist offers review of a recent issue-Ed.

What is New in Theory? (June-July 2014)

chess publishingIn this update on our columnist draws attention to trends in Alekhine-Chatard Attack and Grünfeld Exchange Variation-Ed.  

New in Chess Yearbook 107 Review

new in chessChessbibliophile continues his series of reviews on New in Chess Yearbooks, important titles from the point of opening theory – Ed.

New in Chess Yearbook 106 Review

new in chess yearbook 106Chessbibliophile continues his series of reviews on New in Chess Yearbooks, important titles from the point of opening theory-Ed.

Chess Problem #7

chess problem 7Leonid Kubbel was a prince among composers. I first saw an endgame study by him way back in 1970s. I still remember my awe and wonder seeing how the Black monarch was chased and mated with a lone knight. Ever since I became a fan of Kubbel. But then his admirers are legion. Great players […]

It’s Your Move #13

its your move 13In the following position Black has just played ..Rh6. But White is a pawn up and still stands better. He could have maintained pressure with one or two good moves. With the clock ticking by and only seconds left he went on to lose. White to move Here is your little challenge. Take a hard […]